User Information API

User Registration


It is necessary to package the data in the parameter table into JSON strings and use rsa for parameter encryption and signature as data and sign in the body


Request Body

    "code": "0",
    "msg": "suc",
    "data": "",
    "sign": ""

    "uid": 2000000,//user id
    "inviteCode": "AAAAAA"//Current user's invitation code

The following are the parameters involved in rsa encryption:

The phone number and email fields are optional, but if you choose to fill in either one of them, you can only provide either the phone number or the email. You cannot fill in both fields simultaneously.

User Registration Information


It is necessary to package the data in the parameter table into JSON strings and use rsa for parameter encryption and signature as data and sign in the body

Query Parameters


Request Body

  "code": "fugiat in reprehenderit",
  "msg": "sint Excepteur non in",
  "data": "",

    "userInfoList": [
        "uid": 23000, // User UID
        "mobileNumber": "9989921", // Mobile number
        "email": "", // Email
        "inviteCode": "SDONOQWE", // Invitation code
        "pid": "3999009" // Parent UID
    "count": 62869161.58626932

The following are the parameters involved in rsa encryption:

Invitation Relationship Query - Superior

Return all superior levels found in the current query, up to a maximum of five levels.


It is necessary to package the data in the parameter table into JSON strings and use rsa for parameter encryption and signature as data and sign in the body


Request Body

  "code": "fugiat",
  "msg": "sed occaecat nisi fugiat",
  "data": "",


        "user": {
            "uid": 230001, // User ID
            "inviteCode": "WEQSDA", // Invitation code
            "invitedCode": "OONSIAD", // Invited code
            "invitedUid": 2300002 // Inviter's UID
        "level1": {
            "uid": 230003, // User ID
            "inviteCode": "SDKKCNASD", // Invitation code
            "invitedCode": "SDOMMQWE", // Invited code
            "invitedUid": 2399901 // Inviter's UID
        "level2": {
            "uid": 230003, // User ID
            "inviteCode": "SDKKCNASD", // Invitation code
            "invitedCode": "SDOMMQWE", // Invited code
            "invitedUid": 2399901 // Inviter's UID

The following are the parameters involved in rsa encryption:

Invitation Relationship Query - Subordinate


It is necessary to package the data in the parameter table into JSON strings and use rsa for parameter encryption and signature as data and sign in the body


Request Body

  "code": "0",
  "msg": "suc",
  "data": "",

    "levelOneCount": 4, // Level 1 count
    "levelTwoCount": 9, // Level 2 count
    "cuerrentUser": {
      "uid": 10002053, // Current user UID
      "nickname": "xuyang", // Current user nickname
      "inviteCode": "EAAAQATW", // Current user invite code
      "invitedUid": -1, // UID of the inviting user, returns -1 if not exist
      "invitedCode": "\"'", // Invited code of the current user, returns an empty string if not exist
      "ctime": "2019-09-02 12:24:36" // Registration time
    "userExtInviteVoList": [ // List of invited users
        "uid": 10002183, // UID
        "nickname": "小明", // Nickname
        "inviteCode": "XXXXXXXX", // Invite code
        "level": 1, // Level 1
        "invitedUid": 10002181, // Inviting user UID
        "invitedNickname": "小花", // Inviting user nickname
        "invitedCode": "XXXXXXXX", // Inviting user invite code
        "phone": "18310479052", // Phone number
        "email": "", // Email
        "ctime": "2020-08-22 19:40:18", // Registration time
        "childLevel": [
            "uid": 10002065,
            "nickname": "小明",
            "inviteCode": "XXXXXXXX",
            "level": 2, // Level 2
            "invitedUid": 10002183,
            "invitedNickname": "小花",
            "invitedCode": "XXXXXXXX",
            "phone": "18210479051",
            "email": "",
            "ctime": "2020-04-09 20:52:26"
            "uid": 10002065,
            "nickname": "小明",
            "inviteCode": "XXXXXXXX",
            "level": 2,
            "invitedUid": 10002183,
            "invitedNickname": "小花",
            "invitedCode": "XXXXXXXX",
            "phone": "18210479051",
            "email": "",
            "ctime": "2020-04-09 20:52:26"
            "uid": 10002065,
            "nickname": "小明",
            "inviteCode": "XXXXXXXX",
            "level": 2,
            "invitedUid": 10002183,
            "invitedNickname": "小花",
            "invitedCode": "XXXXXXXX",
            "phone": "18210479051",
            "email": "",
            "ctime": "2020-04-09 20:52:26"
            "uid": 10002065,
            "nickname": "小明",
            "inviteCode": "XXXXXXXX",
            "level": 2,
            "invitedUid": 10002183,
            "invitedNickname": "小花",
            "invitedCode": "XXXXXXXX",
            "phone": "18210479051",
            "email": "",
            "ctime": "2020-04-09 20:52

The following are the parameters involved in rsa encryption:

User Identity Verification


It is necessary to package the data in the parameter table into JSON strings and use rsa for parameter encryption and signature as data and sign in the body


Request Body

    "code": "0",
    "msg": "suc"

The following are the parameters involved in rsa encryption:

get user history login



Request Body

    "code": "0",
    "msg": "suc",
    "data": {
        "count": 10,
        "HistoryLogin": [
                "id": 2323332,
                "uid": 2324288,//UID
                "lgType": 1,// Login type,1:phone number,2:email,3:WeChat,4:QQ,5:APP QR code 
                "lgPlatform": 3,//Login platform,1:WEB,2:H5,3:APP ,4 : OAUTH
                "lgSystem": "web",//Login system,e.g.‘android’,‘ios
                "lgIp": "",// Login IP address
                "lgStatus": 1,// Login status,1:success,2:failure
                "lgInTime": 1598352251000//User login time
                "id": 2323332,
                "uid": 2324288,//UID
                "lgType": 1,// Login type,1:phone number,2:email,3:WeChat,4:QQ,5:APP QR code 
                "lgPlatform": 3,//Login platform,1:WEB,2:H5,3:APP ,4 : OAUTH
                "lgSystem": "web",//Login system,e.g.‘android’,‘ios
                "lgIp": "",// Login IP address
                "lgStatus": 1,// Login status,1:success,2:failure
                "lgInTime": 1598352251000//User login time

Last updated